
Feeling Stuck And Stressed Wondering Where All The Copywriting Clients Are? Learn My EXACT Step-By-Step Process To Boost Your Client Attraction Factor & Land More (And Better) Clients!

Clients Are Out There. They Just Don't Know YOU Are!  Learn How To Become A Client Magnet 

7 Days Of LIVE, Step-By-Step Training And Action Tasks!

LIVE July 22-30, 2024 at 12 CT

**PLUS Get 2 Exclusive Bonuses Normally Reserved For My High-Ticket Coaching Clients Waiting For You NOW Inside The Private Online Facebook™️ Community!


Want To Land More Paid Copywriting Projects So You Can Earn Consistently And GROW Your Biz?

The truth is, there are hidden differentiators you MUST zero in on to stand out and consistently attract clients. I'll show you what they are and how to leverage them to grow your freelance copywriting business.

And you don't need a writing degree, a fancy website, or an ads budget. I'll show you how to get set up for success and take things to the next level.

Join The FREE Client Attraction Crash Course

And Learn The 7 Strategies I've Used To Go From Crickets To Consistently 
Booked Out With A-List Clients & Generating Consistent Income Every Month

(More than $4,000 in valuable coaching, action tasks and bonuses inside!)

Hi, my name is Christa Nichols, and I'm a sales copywriter.  

I serve 7- and 8-figure entrepreneurs and influencers and generate multiple six figures a year in revenue from my sales copywriting services ... but it wasn't always that way.

Just seven years ago, I was an unknown farm wife copywriter wondering what it was going to take to start actually making some consistent money. 

I felt stuck. Even though I was landing clients here and there, I knew I wanted to keep growing my business to its full potential, and I knew I wasn't there yet. 

It wasn't until I learned to stand out from the competition and clearly communicate about who I am, what I do, and who I serve that things started to change.

Closing clients got a lot easier, my confidence grew, and prospective clients started approaching ME. 

Since then, I've spent years writing for household name clients from around the world.
My freelance copywriting business has enabled my family to live a lifestyle of freedom we'd only dreamed about before. 

Homeschooling our kids,  working when and where I want, traveling and having amazing experiences without worrying about the bills ...

... and I can tell you this with 100% certaintyThere are seven things you can start doing RIGHT NOW to help you stand out from the competition and attract more (and better quality) clients. 

And the best part is, none of them cost a penny.

You don't have to have a writing degree ...

Or a ton of big-name experience ...

Or a fancy website ...

Or a large social following ...

You CAN Grow Your Freelance Copywriting Biz In This Economy - Regardless Of How Popular A.I. Gets - WITHOUT Running Ads, Having a Fancy Website, Or Undercutting Your Rates! 

Want Me To Teach You How To Stand Out & Land More (And Better) Clients?

What Do People Think About The Client Attraction Crash Course?

"The things Christa taught in 5 days were AMAZING! She taught us to believe in ourselves! Christa encouraged us to put ourselves out to the world to grow our business and our confidence. I feel I can approach potential clients and grow my business with the information that I learned from Christa's Client Attraction Course."  
- Collette G.
"Before taking the challenge, I didn’t know what to expect, I thought maybe I needed to know more about copywriting before taking the challenge. But that wasn’t the case, and I am happy about that! What impacted me the most was Christa's openness and willingness to answer my questions! I felt like I was accepted, and I felt that truly, 'There is no such thing and a stupid question.' All my questions were welcomed and explained, and it made me feel valued. Thank you for that!" 
- Danielle F.
"I would give the Client Crash Course 5/5 stars or 10/10! I was so fired up at the end of the course and was filled with so many ideas that I could try. Christa is very hands-on and patiently answers all questions we had. It motivated me to want to purchase any other training Christa plans to offer in the future. She’s that good! " - Courtenay R.
"“I had already taken one copywriting course but wanted dig in deeper to find out more about finding clients for my new copywriting biz. I would recommend this course to anyone starting their own freelance copywriting business. It will give you clarity as you launch your business. I think the focus statements are highly valuable!! I think it will give me a sharper focus on what I want to accomplish with my business and help me communicate my offer to potential clients.” - Laura P.
"I'm a little bit in love with this course!" - Ejay
I did more work this past week than I have in the past three months for my business and self and I couldn't be happier. I have more to do but this was the push I needed. Thank you so much Christa for all you inspiration, time and effort you gave during this challenge. It was life changing!- Kourt S.
"Awesome course! Christa gives so much value but keeps it simple and actionable for those who may not have a lot of experience. You can tell that she genuinely cares about her students and is deeply invested in giving you all you need to succeed! I recommend this challenge to anyone who is looking to get clear on the vision for their business and attract more clients." - Nicci Kilcoyne
"No fluff, real world advice. I would recommend! This is great jump start and a path to follow and clarity on start up methods."  - Tony M.

Learn My 7 Secrets To Standing Out & Attracting The RIGHT Kind of Clients

No Ad Spend or Spammy, Scammy Cold Outreach Necessary!

How To Get SET UP For Success

MONDAY, July 22 at 12 Noon CT

Day 1: Uncover Your WHY
Uncover ONE little-known factor that can stand in the way of landing clients. I'll reveal exactly what it is and how to prevent it from affecting your freelance business so you can get yourself out there with confidence! 

TUESDAY, July 23 at 12 Noon CT

Day 2: Visualize Your Future & Banish Limiting Beliefs
You can't achieve goals you've never set. Time to clear some space in your mindset, let go of some limiting beliefs, and dare to dream about what your life and business could look like

How To SHOW UP For The Business You Want

WEDNESDAY, July 24 at 12 Noon CT

Day 3:  Business By Design
Not sure what services you want to offer? You'll learn how to identify your freelance writer sweet spot using an old Japanese concept and use it to book the projects that make your soul sing so you can create a business you love. 

How To SPEAK UP & Rise Above the Competition

THURSDAY, July 25 at 12 Noon CT

Day 4: Setting Your Rates
That sinking feeling you get in your gut when the prospective client asks, "What are your rates?" Yeah, it's time to get rid of that once and for all! On Day 4 I'll give you a foolproof tool that will help you set your baseline rate (and it only goes up from there!) so you can have a ready answer and avoid undercutting yourself on the fly.

FRIDAY, July 26 at 12 Noon CT

Day 5: Identifying Ideal Clients
It's a joy working with great clients. There's just one thing - do you know who your best-fit clients are? In this session, I'll walk you through how to identify your ideal clients so you can avoid kissing frogs while looking for your happily ever after.

STAND OUT Where Your Ideal Clients Hang Out

MONDAY, July 29 at 12 Noon CT

Day 6: Optimize Your Social Profiles
Time to leverage your social profiles so you can start being seen as the stand-out expert you are. On Day 6, I'll show you exactly how to optimize your social profiles to funnel traffic straight to your offers and services 24/7.

SELL OUT Your Services For Cold, Hard Cash

TUESDAY, July 30 at 12 Noon CT

Day 7: Laser Focus Your Communication
Now that you know what services you want to offer, who your ideal clients are, and what you want to charge, it's time to get ready to put yourself out there. That means you need to be able to communicate who you are, who you help, and how you help them at a moment's notice. Once you have a magnetic focus statement, no prob!

Here's What's Included in the 7-Day Challenge

LIVE Daily Video Trainings. Each day I'll be going LIVE in Zoom to break down one of the seven steps. Replays will be available online for the duration of the event. ($1,297 Value) 

The Client Attraction Workbook. 
The Client Attraction Workbook contains outlines of each day's video training (why take your own notes when I'll do it for you?) with fillable worksheets. ($197 Value)

​Fast Action Daily Homework. This isn't just a sit-back-and-watch challenge. Pair the trainings with action and you'll see results fast! After the LIVE video trainings, you'll have a daily homework assignment. Each homework assignment contains a simple action task that will help you apply what you just learned. ($197 Value)

LIVE Ask Me Anything Session. Got questions about landing clients and booking paid writing services? You'll have the opportunity to join me live for a Q&A session where you can ask me anything! ($597 Value)

​Private Facebook Group Access. A warm welcome is waiting for you in the Client Attraction Crash Course group, where we'll nerd out over all things freelance copywriting, landing clients, and more! (PRICELESS)

LIVE Daily Video Trainings. Each day I'll be going LIVE in the Facebook group to break down one of the five steps. Replays will be available in the group for the duration of the event. ($1,297 Value) 

The Client Attraction Workbook. The Client Attraction Workbook contains outlines of each day's video training (why take your own notes when I'll do it for you?) with fillable worksheets. ($197 Value)

​Fast Action Daily Homework. This isn't just a sit-back-and-watch challenge. Pair the trainings with action and you'll see results fast! After the LIVE video trainings, you'll have a daily homework assignment. Each homework assignment contains a simple action task that will help you apply what you just learned. ($197 Value)

LIVE Ask Me Anything Session. Got questions about landing clients and getting paid to write? You'll have the opportunity to join me live for a Q&A session where you can ask me anything! ($597 Value)

​Private Facebook Group Access. A warm welcome is waiting for you in the Client Attraction Crash Course group, where we'll nerd out over all things freelance copywriting, landing clients, and being a Wordy Mama and more! (PRICELESS)


LIVE Guest Expert Interviews. 
Want to hear from the experts how sales copy impacts campaigns? Hear from industry expert funnel builders, course creators, ads strategists and more throughout the week. Bring your popcorn, because these are experts who charge thousands to work with them - and you get to hear from them for FREE! ($1,294 Value)

Copywriter Cheat Codes. 
It's not hard to find opinion on what you SHOULD do, but it's a bit more difficult to find trustworthy wisdom on what NOT to do. It's even harder to uncover the behind-the-scenes truth about growing a freelance copywriting business. That's rough, because avoiding doing the WRONG thing puts you further ahead (and helps you skirt around challenges and hurdles).

In Copywriter Cheat Codes, I'm giving you three vide trainings on the things no one tells you. We cover the myths, misconceptions, and what-not-to-dos that can affect the success and growth of your business. Workbook included ($297 Value)

LIVE Guest Expert Interviews. Want to hear from the experts how sales copy makes a difference for clients? Hear from expert funnel builders, course creators, ads strategists and more! Bring your popcorn, because these are experts who charge thousands to work with them - and you get to hear from them for FREE! ($1,294 Value)

Copywriter Cheat Codes. It's not hard to find opinion on what you SHOULD do, but it's a bit more difficult to find trustworthy wisdom on what NOT to do. It's even harder to uncover the behind-the-scenes truth about growing a freelance copywriting business. That's rough, because avoiding doing the WRONG thing puts you further ahead (and helps you skirt around challenges and hurdles).

In Copywriter Cheat Codes, I'm giving you three video trainings on the things no one tells you. We cover the myths, misconceptions, and what-not-to-dos that can affect the success  of your business. Workbook included ($297 Value)

Total Value: $4,379

We're starting Monday, July 22, 2024

Are You In?

Why Learn From Me?

Jim Edwards | 2CCX Award Winner
Creator of Funnel Scripts
Kristin Spencer | Literary Symmetry Agency
Copy Program Student
Kaci Brown | Online Business Coach
2CC Award Winning Marketing Agency Owner
Rachel Pedersen | Social Media Strategist
Multiple 2CC Award Winning Agency & Coach
James Zolman | Grunt Workers VA Agency
Copy Program Student
Eileen Wilder | Million-Dollar Virtual Events 
2CC Award Winner 
Tereza Toledo | Pinterest Strategist
Student Writer Testimonial
Johnny Aiken | Digital Marketer
Copy Program Student
Bart Miller | 2CCX Award Winner
Ecommerce Expert & High-Ticket Coach
Dustin McKay | Entrepreneur
Copy Program Student
Kinsey Machos | Online Business Coach
Coaching Student
Annemarie Zeretis | Copywriter
Copy Program Student
Nichole Howson | VA Agency Owner 
Coaching Student
Marley Jaxx | Jaxx Productions
Multiple 2CC Award Winning Video Strategist
Sema Robbins | Be Top Local Agency
2CC Award Winning Marketing Agency Owner
Trey Bearor | Cashflow Lab
Student Writer Testimonial
We're starting Monday, July 22, 2024

Are You In?

About Me

Hi! I'm Christa Nichols, and I have a confession to make. I was the kid who brought books to recess and held story time for all the other kids. I haven't stopped telling stories since, but today the stories I tell are the ones that create compelling sales journeys for my clients' customers and clients.

I spend my days pounding out sales copy for my 7- and 8-figure clients, obsessing over target audiences and what's going on in people's minds so I can write sales copy that breaks sales records and generates millions.

I'm passionate about creating clear and simple frameworks and processes that make it easy for Wordy Mamas - aka moms who love to write - to figure out exactly what they they need to do start earning as a writer and grow a business as a copywriter.

These frameworks and processes are tested extensively with my high-ticket clients, the copywriters inside Wordy Mama Copywriting Academy and my Written Results Copywriter Certfication students. The Client Attraction Crash Course was designed to help give you the tools and strategies you need to start landing paid writing projects and add to your bank account while doing something you love - WITHOUT sacrificing your family or your freedom.

Outside of being a word nerd, I'm also a farm wife and mom of two nearly-grown up children (sob). We live on an acreage in the middle of the cornfields of Iowa where our two goats and three dogs get spoiled daily and reign supreme. 
Copyright © 2024 Christa Nichols. All Rights Reserved. PRIVACY POLICY & TERMS AND CONDITIONS